Thursday, August 20, 2009

Final program

I didn't get any pictures of the final program. I forgot to assign someone as the photographer and I was too busy during both programs to take any myself. I stole a few from blogs (thanks Stephanie and Hilary) just as a remembrance that we did have a great program. Hopefully you were there to see for yourself and take your own pictures. Sorry I have been so slow to finish up the blog for this year's preschool. I seem to be good at having technical difficulties. This has been a one year trial and I'm afraid I won't be able to keep it up next year. I'll have to try a different approach to passing on pictures. Thanks for all your support and for sharing your great kids with me.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

End of Year Photos

It was fun to watch our caterpillers grow and change into butterflies. We let them go so they could fly free, but it took some of them awhile to actually fly away.

We also hatched baby chicks. It helped us practice patience to wait three weeks for our eggs to hatch. It was really exciting when they did. We got pictures of some of the kids holding a chick.

Our last field trip was to J & J where we learned a lot about plants and even got to see some fish for ponds. Everyone got to take a plant home as well.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Making X's and O's with playdough.

At the beginning of March we discussed the saying "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. We made lion manes that day and lambs the next day.

On lamb day we learned the nursery rhyme Little Boy Blue and for snacks we had haystacks. They were made from chow mein noodles mixed with melted butterscotch chips. We used a mini nilla wafer for little boy blue and practiced putting him above, below, beside, etc. the haystack.

We got the puppet theater out and the kids had a great time with it. Ivan's mom made it for our class. Thanks so much!

Finding the "Y"s on our yogurt snack.

We're doing an Irish dance on St. Patrick's Day.