Monday, October 20, 2008

Brown day

There was brown paper covering the table and everyone got to draw on the table at the spot they were sitting. Ella and Shaylee drew many, many talking shoes.

Ivan drew a burning building and the fire department putting out the fire.

Fuzzy wuzzy was a bear. We just had to put the fuzz on him and, of course, make him brown.

Peanut butter pladough and graham crackers were the brown snack.

We sang Five Little Ducks. The above picture is of the daddy duck calling.
Then we waddled like ducks -- all to celebrate the letter Dd.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Black and White day

Black and white rug time!

Gluing black stripes on white zebras

We did magic painting by writing and coloring with white crayons and painting over it with black.

The dinosaur corral was constructed by all the boys in the class.

We had oreos and milk for a black and white snack. Every kid knows
that the white part in the middle is the best!

Dancing D dances while he makes the d-d-d-d-d sound. We did the same!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Hat Day

Look at the variety of hats!

Wearing hats and coloring hats!

We love to watch Sullee eat!

We had the computers going for the first time during playtime today. It was a pretty popular place to be.

We made H's with pretzels today and tried other letters too. Look what Ivan and Bailey spelled. Perfect for hat day!

Shaylee was making letters she knows and look what she spelled! (I switched the A and I)

Pink & Gray Day

Dressing up is fun to do!

Mixing black and white paint to make gray for painting our hippos.

What a picnic!

Cracking sunflower seeds is quite a challenge! Can you think of any other gray food?

We mixed red ketchup and white miracle whip to make pink fry sauce (well close to pink).

We learned about Healthy H who exercises to keep healthy. Then we tried some exercises. If you want to have fun, try sit-ups with a preschooler!

Look how seriously they're taking their work! They're such good workers.

What can you think of that's pink? We watched a video clip of pink things. The boys were unhappy that there was no gray video. Notice boys in gray; girls in pink. They looked so cute!

The playground is a busy place for the last few minutes of school.

Purple Day

Grandma Porter went on vacation, so she arranged for a substitute Grandma. We called her Grandma Vasey.

Grape jelly to spread on crackers and grape kool-aid.

Heads, Shouders, Knees, & Toes!

We played a doughnut game for reviewing colors.

Outside playtime!